National Geographic distinguishes a student from the Vilamoura International College

Aristide Boileau was distinguished in the contest “Think like a Plastic Detective”

Aristide Boileau

Aristide Boileau, a student of the “Year 4” at the Colégio Internacional de Vilamoura (CIV), was distinguished by the National Geographic Learning Team in the contest “Think like a plastic detective” with the project for a water purification machine, created from recyclable materials.

This proposal was presented on video, with a description of the student about the methodology, processes and explanation of their project. The design, achieved by recycling PET bottles, allowed Aristide to create fresh water from seawater.

The project was praised by the National Geographic Learning Team, which awarded the student 5th place among the works presented worldwide.

Matilde Sequeira, who created a dreamcatcher to represent the effect of plastic on marine creatures, as well as Henrique Lin, who designed a raft to transport small toys, also saw the works presented at the website da National Geographic Learning, having been praised “for their excellent content and understanding of the subject”, says the CIV.

“Interest in personal research was spurred after an online distance learning session with National Geographic in March,” adds the college.

In recognition of “Year 4” entries in the competition, the CIV received several awards to distinguish the students involved, as well as participation certificates for the whole class. These were presented at a Class Assembly by Professor Alison Stedman.



“Year 4” continued to embrace the challenges of the National Geographic Learning Team and joined the investigation “Become an Animal Superhero”. The class learned about ecosystems, habitats, tracking systems and food supply chains, as well as the decline of certain species of birds around the world.

«The introduction to this project was once again accessed through a session online live, in which 100 classes from schools around the world participated, giving students the opportunity to meet virtually the leading experts specializing in species conservation, and learn more about their research. Students now have the opportunity to further explore this subject by completing a summer project on endangered species,” explains the CIV.



