57 taxi drivers from Albufeira received training in Basic Life Support

This action took place at the barracks of Firemen Volunteers in Albufeira

57 taxi drivers from Albufeira received, during the month of April, training in Basic Life Support with Automatic External Defibrillation (SBV-DAE).

This action took place at the Albufeira Volunteer Fire Department and, from now on, this municipality will have a universe of 324 workers trained in SBV-DAE able to develop all procedures and provide assistance in situations of cardiorespiratory arrest.

José Carlos Rolo, mayor of Albufeira, says that, «similar to the forces of authority, help and security, taxi drivers are one of the professional classes that are closer to people, being on the ground 24 hours a day, 365 days per year (in normal situations), so they are part of the privileged group that can act early in a situation of cardiorespiratory arrest until the arrival of differentiated assistance».

«In addition to these operationals, we intend to train yet another 500 people, namely the elements of the Groupings of the National Scouts Corps, the county's sports associations and the GIRO drivers. At the same time, our objective is to install fixed equipment in all the Schools' Pavilions, preparing several professionals so that they can carry out the SBV-DAE maneuvers that save lives,” he says.

The Municipality's DAE program, which started in 2017, currently has a total of 22 fixed equipment in strategic places on the public road and 19 mobile equipment, 9 installed in vehicles of various entities with responsibility for protection and safety, namely the GNR (4), Albufeira Volunteer Firefighters (1), Municipal Police (2) and Municipal Civil Protection Service (2), one of which is located in the Medical/Nursing Office that exists in the occupational health service of the Municipality, in accordance with the recommendations of the General Directorate of Health.


