6th edition of the Grand Prix of Chronicle and Literary Dispersed APE/CM Loulé is launched

Mário de Carvalho won the 2020 edition

The 6th edition of the Grand Prix of Chronicle and Literary Dispersed APE/CM Loulé, an award that will distinguish a work published in 2020, has already been launched. Registration will take place during the month of March.

The Municipality of Loulé explains that «this is an initiative that is born from a partnership between the Portuguese Association of Writers (APE) and the Municipality of Loulé, which is intended to annually award a work in Portuguese, by Portuguese author, published in book and in the first edition, in the year before its delivery, in the domains of the chronicle and literary dispersed collected in volume».

Candidates must send five copies of the published book to the headquarters of the APE (R. de S. Domingos à Lapa, No. 17 – 1200-832 Lisboa), for the members of the jury and the Municipal Library of Loulé.

The jury will have a period of thirty days to announce the name of the winner of this edition.

As is already tradition, the award ceremony will take place on the Day of the Municipality of Loulé, which this year marks the 13th of May. However, municipal officials emphasize that the holding of the face-to-face session will depend on the evolution of the pandemic situation.
The prize to be awarded to the winner is 12 thousand euros.

José Tolentino Mendonça, with “What a thing are the clouds”, in 2016, Rui Cardoso Martins, with “Raise the Defendant”, in 2017, Mário Cláudio, with “A Alma Vagueante”, in 2018, Pedro Mexia, with “ Lá Fora”, in 2019, and Mário de Carvalho, with “What I heard in the barrel of apples”, in 2020, were the winners of this award.

The Câmara de Loulé considers that these are authors "who have contributed to the prestige of this award and to its affirmation in the national context, of great relevance, because it respects a genre with a long tradition in our country, and constitutes an incentive for chronicles that are scattered throughout newspapers and magazines can be gathered in volume».


