CGTP-IN Fight Day will have initiatives in Faro

«The Algarve has been the most affected region of the country, from an economic and social point of view, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic»

The National Journey of Struggle promoted by the CGTP-IN for the 25th of February, with the motto “Confiança, Determination and Struggle for a Portugal with a Future”, includes a concentration of workers in Faro and other initiatives.

The Union of Unions of the Algarve, linked to the CGTP-IN, stresses that “the Algarve has been the most affected region of the country, from an economic and social point of view, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, with a huge reduction in economic activity , a brutal increase in unemployment and a widespread attack on workers' rights”.

According to the union leaders, “at the base of this economic and social weakness in the region, there is the model of regional development, funneled into a single sector of activity, Tourism”.

Therefore, the CGTP National Fight Day will have regional expression. In the morning, through «multiple and diversified actions», which will be developed in different workplaces in the public and private sectors, with particular emphasis on the sectors of Commerce, Hotels and Tourism and Public Administration.

In the afternoon, through a concentration of workers, which will take place from 15 pm, on the lawn between the Municipal Theater and the Seaside store, in Faro.

In this Journey of Struggle, "workers will make their voice heard in the affirmation that their rights are not suspended and that they will not allow employers to trample them", as well as that "labor rights and Collective Labor Agreements are in force and are to be complied with'.

"The fight will continue against unemployment, for the guarantee of employment, for the payment of all salaries and for the full compliance with the rights of workers in companies that resort to support measures in the context of the epidemic and for adequate health protection measures in companies and places of work”, concludes the Union of Trade Unions.



