Algarve 2020 has 750 thousand euros to support digital resources in vocational education and training

Co-financing rate is 80%, made with funds from the ESF - European Social Fund

Photo: Pablo Sabater | Sul Informação - File

The Algarve 2020 operational program will provide a total of 750 euros to support the development of digital didactic resources for vocational education and training.

According to the Algarve's Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR), the aim is to «provide teachers and trainers of professional courses, learning courses, technological specialization courses and adult education and training courses with access to digital educational resources. of quality and collaboration tools in digital environments that promote innovation in the teaching-learning process, stimulate creativity and innovation, allow distance monitoring of the classroom and online collaborative work».

Public teaching establishments and bodies of the Ministry of Education, the network of direct and participated management centers of the Employment and Vocational Training Institute, the managing bodies of the Ciência Viva Centers located in the Algarve, and other legal entities may apply. public and private law, with relevant intervention in education and professional training.

The indicative allocation for the tender is 750 thousand euros and the co-financing rate is 80%, made with funds from the ESF – European Social Fund.

The digital didactic resources to be developed must be tested and made available to the education and professional training network by the end of the first semester of 2023.

«With the technological and connectivity equipment of the schools of the most needy students, which is ongoing, with training for the professional development of teachers and trainers in the field of digital literacy and digital skills, as well as in the field of design and use of digital educational resources, whose competition is open until the end of this month, and with this competition for the development of digital teaching resources, the Algarve is positioned at the forefront of the process of accelerating the digital transition in education and vocational training», says the CCDR.



