111 new jobs are expected to be created in the Algarve, with the implementation of 49 projects, whose applications to the system of support for employment and entrepreneurship +CO3SO – Employment have now been approved, announced the CCDR Algarve.
The Algarve Operational Program (Algarve 2020), in collaboration with the Local Action Groups (GAL), had launched, at the end of July, notices of competition within the scope of the support system for employment and entrepreneurship +CO3SO – Employment, for promote job creation in micro and small businesses, as well as in social economy entities.
At its meeting on 11 December, and after analyzing the proposals presented by the LAGs, the Executive Committee of the OP Algarve 2020 decided to approve the increase in the allocation of these tenders, by 3 million euros.
Thus, 49 applications submitted under this system of support to employment and entrepreneurship were approved, relating to the first phase of the notices, approving the creation of 111 new jobs, and an amount of public funding exceeding 6 million euros, of which 4,8 million euros come from the European Social Fund (ESF) and the rest from the Social Security budget.
This measure to support the creation of jobs has three types of operation: interior, urban and social entrepreneurship, highlighting, in this set, the approval of 13 jobs in low density areas (inland), corresponding to an investment of almost 600 thousand euros.
Support was also approved for the creation of 23 jobs in Technology or Knowledge Intensive sectors, within the scope of the RIS 3 Regional smart specialization strategy: “Sea, Fisheries and Aquaculture”, “Agrifood, Agro-processing, Forestry and Biotechnology Green"; “ICT and Creative and Cultural Industries”; “Renewable Energy” and “Health, Well-being and Life Sciences”.
Approval of applications submitted to the 2nd phase of the +CO3SO-Emprego notices is scheduled for mid-January of next year.