Portuguese Table of Nutritional Value of Agroindustrial By-Products for Animal Feed is now online

The work was coordinated by the National Institute of Agrarian and Veterinary Research, with the collaboration of the Center for Agricultural and Agro-Food Biotechnology of Alentejo (CEBAL) and Tagus Valley

The First Portuguese Table on Chemical Composition and Nutritional Value of Agroindustrial By-products for Animal Feed, created within the scope of the SubProMais Operational Group – “Use of Agro-industry By-products in Animal Feed”, is now available online and free of charge.

The use of agro-industrial by-products in animal feed is an option increasingly considered by producers, in line with circular economy strategies, reducing dependence on imported raw materials that compete with human food.

This table presents the chemical composition and nutritional value for ruminants of about a hundred agro-industrial by-products and residues produced in Portugal, facilitating access to information that allows producers to make food choices more suited to their productive and economic goals.

This work was coordinated by the National Institute of Agrarian and Veterinary Research (INIAV IP), with the collaboration of the Center for Agricultural and Agro-Food Biotechnology of Alentejo (CEBAL) and Tagus Valley – Technopolo do Vale do Tejo. The development of the entire platform was in charge of the company Ruralbit.

The food table can be consulted at http://www.subpromais.pt

In addition to by-products, the table also intends to make known the chemical and nutritional composition of other animal feeds, namely: green fodder, hay and arboreal and shrubby plants resulting mainly from the collection of data from research projects accumulated over 30 years in the National Zootechnic Station, INIAV Santarém.

The SubProMais Operational Group is financed by the PDR2020 Rural Development Program, operation 1.0.1.



