Paula Nogueira de Olhão Group receives Erasmus+ award

The Oyenne group coordinated a project that involved schools in Portugal, Romania, Turkey and Italy

The Erasmus+ project “MyStory – OurEurope”, coordinated by the Professor Paula Nogueira Schools Group, from Olhão, was distinguished with the prize for Good Practices Erasmus+ Teaching School 2020.

«This project started from the concept of Storytelling, which is the art of telling, developing and adapting stories, emotionally involving the interlocutors. This methodology allowed exploring and increasing students' creativity and encouraging inclusion practices. This is what, throughout the project, it was proposed to students from the four countries involved - Portugal, Romania, Turkey and Italy: to interpretively and creatively explore stories from their countries and other countries in Europe, making known culturally rich characters and situations », according to the Oyenne grouping.

“Students enthusiastically joined in the challenge they were given to explore the European cultural heritage. Over the two years, they read, selected and created story presentations using different methodologies, such as Chinese drama and shadows, animated videos using plasticine and drawing, as well as electronic books», he added.

All these activities "allowed the inclusion of students with less access to learning contexts and sociocultural training in an international environment, promoting not only tolerance and cooperation, but also the acquisition and improvement of language skills, constituting an asset for all who participated in it».



