Faro2027 creates a working group to think about the communication strategy

With the motto "Marketing and Communication Professionals are Rockstars", this group gathered for the first time this month

Faro2027, the candidacy for European Capital of Culture, created a working group of professionals to develop the communication strategy «in a participatory manner». 

With this project, the bid aims to mobilize and involve the greatest number of people in the process that will lead to the delivery of the first bid book in the last quarter of 2021.

With the motto “Marketing and Communication Professionals are Rockstars”, this group gathered for the first time this month, in a workshop where the digital footprint of Faro and the Algarve, as well as regional identity issues, with the aim of creating a visual lexicon for the candidacy.

The team responsible for developing the application Faro2027 intends to develop several work sessions with this group of professionals, betting on an organic evolution throughout the entire process.

This first working session took place in the lobby of Teatro das Figuras, in Faro. In a first, more expository part, the group learned more about the application process for Faro the European Capital of Culture 2027. In the second part, the professionals present divided into small groups to discuss the external perception that exists of Faro and the Algarve.

«We consider that the objective of mobilizing and involving marketing and communication professionals in the Application process of Faro the Capital of Culture 2027 was reached in this first meeting and we are certain that the group is motivated to continue to participate actively”, says Bruno Inácio, coordinator of the application.

«In addition, there are other professionals interested in participating and who were unable to attend this meeting, but with whom the results of the meeting will be shared, as well as new challenges regarding the communication strategy of the application», he concludes.



