Monchique and Silves receive 50 thousand euros from the “Condomínio de Aldeias”

Funding will be applied to fuel management around villages

The municipalities of Monchique and Silves will receive support from the “Condomínio de Aldeias” pilot project, which aims to ensure fuel management around population centers. The signing of support contracts between the Environmental Fund and the 11 municipalities, which will benefit from this program, took place this Friday, October 23, in Castelo Branco.

As explained by the Ministry of Environment and Climate Action (MAAC), each of the 11 beneficiary municipalities (Monchique, Silves, Góis, Ansião, Oleiros, Proença-a-Nova, Penela, Lousã, Alvaiázere, Vila Nova de Poiares and Sertã) will receive up to 50 euros, with a total funding exceeding 500 euros.

Inserted in the National Strategy for Forests of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Action, the pilot project “Condomínio de Aldeias” «intends to ensure the management of fuels around population agglomerates, in areas of high forest density and high number and dispersion of small places, with higher levels of exposure to the consequences of rural fires», framed the MAAC.

The proposals of the financed projects include, "among other interventions, the forest conversion around population agglomerates for other uses, as long as natural or semi-natural, including: orchards, extensive grazing areas, meadows, parks or bio-diverse gardens, clearings".

The ceremony for signing the support contracts was attended by João Pedro Matos Fernandes, Minister of Environment and Climate Action, and João Paulo Catarino, Secretary of State for Nature Conservation, Forests and Spatial Planning.


