Half a million people have already downloaded the Stayaway Covid app

«We once again underscore the need and usefulness of Portuguese membership»

Half a million people have already downloaded the 'Stayaway Covid' application, which allows tracking of infection contacts, said today, 4 September, the Assistant Secretary of State and Health Jamila Madeira.

"We once again underline the necessity and usefulness of the adhesion of the Portuguese [to the application]," said the official at the press conference to assess the Covid-19 pandemic in Portugal.

The mobile application, launched on Tuesday in Porto in the presence of Prime Minister António Costa, allows tracking, quickly and anonymously and through physical proximity between 'smartphones', the networks of contagion by Covid-19, informing users who were, in the last 14 days, in the same space as someone infected with the new coronavirus. Its installation is voluntary.

At the time, the head of government considered that installing the 'Stayaway Covid' application on mobile phones is a “civic duty” to stop the pandemic as long as there is no vaccine.

"Understand that it is a civic duty to download this application and signalize if they are diagnosed as testing positive," said António Costa, at the ceremony attended by Health Minister Marta Temido.

However, consumer protection organization Deco Proteste has placed reservations on installing this application on mobile phones, invoking the possibility of undeclared and misuse of personal data by Google and Apple.


