Awareness Campaign for Safe Disconfinement kicks off in Lagos

25th of July, at Porto de Mós beach, in Lagos

The Youth Association AGARRA de Lagos, in partnership with the National Federation of Youth Associations (FNAJ), promotes, on Saturday, 25 July, a regional action, from young people to young people, to raise awareness of a lack of confidence in safety. With the slogan “The risk is real. Be this summer's hero!”, the initiative has the support of Lagos Municipal Council and the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth.

The action will take place from 17:00, at Praia de Porto de Mós, with a meeting point next to the Campinar beach support concession.

It intends to raise awareness of the security measures to be taken at this stage of the pandemic and to commit young people in the fight against Covid-19, positioning them as agents of public health. It will feature young volunteers from Lagos, from the AGARRA association, and from other parts of the Algarve, through FAJALg- Federation of Youth Associations of the Algarve.

The initiative will feature the Secretary of State cCoordinator of the response to Covid-19 in the Algarve, José Apolinário, the Mayor of Lagos Hugo Pereira, the President of the IPDJ, Vitor Pataco, the Regional Director of the Algarve of the IPDJ Custódio Moreno, the president of the Federation of Youth Associations, Tiago Rego, and the president of the Youth Association AGARRA, Diogo Rodrigues.

The awareness-raising activity is part of the campaign “Desconfinar Jovem – A Tua Causa”, which aims to promote youth associations as safe spaces for recreational, cultural and sporting activities in this pandemic context, as well as helping the youngest to return to routines with total security.

The campaign also involves a digital action, with the sharing of good practices and a manual of recommendations for the reopening of associative spaces, recently launched in partnership with the National School of Public Health of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.



