More than 50% of the Portuguese want Centeno to remain in Government

Study carried out by Eurosondagem for the weekly Sol e Porto Canal

More than 50% of Portuguese people want Mário Centeno to continue as minister of state and finance, according to a study in which 69% of those questioned think that António Costa “did well” in supporting the presidential re-candidacy of Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

The Eurosondagem study, for the weekly Sol and Porto Canal, indicates that 55,5% of the interviewees think that Centeno “should continue as minister” of the executive led by António Costa, against 25,2% who support his move to governor Banco de Portugal and 19,3% who have doubts, do not know or did not want to answer.

Asked about Costa's implicit support for Marcelo's re-election to Belém, manifested during a visit to the Autoeuropa plant in Palmela in May, 69,0% of respondents responded that the prime minister “did well”, against 21% with the contrary opinion and 10% who said they have doubts or do not know or want to answer.

The extension of the simplified lay-off “for some time”, to deal with the economic and social crisis caused by the pandemic of the covid-19, is supported by 66,6% of the interviewees, against 11,1%, who are against , and 23,3% who have doubts, do not know or do not want to answer.

Regarding voting intentions, the Eurosondagem study puts the PS in the lead, with 38,0%, followed by the PSD (29,3%), BE (8,0%), CDU (5,3%), Enough ( 4,1%), PAN (3,0%), CDS-PP (2,7%) and Liberal Initiative (1,1%). In the study, 8,5% of respondents expressed their intention to vote for Livre, Branco or Nulo.

The Eurosondagem study for the Sun and Porto Canal was carried out between the 1st and 4th of June through 1.021 validated telephone interviews and has a maximum error of 3,07%, for a probability level of 95,0%.

