A new coworking space will be born in Lagos

New collaborative workspace should be completed in the coming months, allowing everyone to enjoy it under the best conditions

The works to install the “Collaborative Work Space (Cowork)” in the building of the former Gil Eanes School, now Espaço Jovem de Lagos, are already underway, representing an investment of more than 40 euros. This is the implementation of a proposal for the Participatory Budget.

The municipality of Lagos, with this intervention, intends to provide better working conditions for the collaborative work space, which already operated informally, in the Youth Space.

The installation of this new valence will also make it possible to reinforce the multidisciplinary character of Espaço Jovem and stimulate the creative industries.

In the Espaço Jovem de Lagos, there was already a small shared work space. Focusing on its growth, the application for the Participatory Budget was promoted, contemplating a proposal for improvement developed based on the profiles and needs of its users, who are essentially self-employed professionals, micro-enterprises from very different areas, from tourism, biology, design, agriculture, among others, and even some tourists who, for professional reasons, needed a space where they could get a moment of concentration and work, since the place allows access to the internet.

The space, where the workshops of the former Gil Eanes School once operated, is characterized by its spaciousness, high ceilings, with adequate lighting for use as a work space, so that, after the completion of this action, it will be possible to create more workstations. work, some offering greater privacy.

The project includes the creation of two floors, one of them (ground zero) for public use for occasional users and the upper floor for formal meetings, characterized by being a space that offers greater privacy.

The City Council of Lagos anticipates that this new collaborative work space will be completed in the coming months, allowing everyone to enjoy it under the best conditions.




