City Council of Faro begins today "gradual reopening" of its services

Return to work and face-to-face assistance begin to take place as of today, respecting safety conditions for workers and other users

The Municipality of Faro is preparing to proceed with the gradual reopening of its services as of today, 18th of May. This reopening obeys, stresses the municipality, «to a set of conditions and norms that fully guarantee the necessary safety conditions to protect workers and other users of municipal buildings and spaces».

Taking into account the risks associated with Covid-19, the Municipality recommends that, at this stage, the “social distance between people and the avoidance of any unnecessary travel to municipal equipment, where the use of a mask becomes mandatory” is maintained.

Therefore, whenever possible, telephone or electronic contact with municipal services should be preferred. If this must necessarily be in person, it will only be held with prior appointment and in spaces that must have a physical barrier (acrylic or glass), in order to ensure the distance and protection of those involved.

All people who wish to access the various services of the municipality will have their body temperature measured, and will be denied access to the facilities if the registration is higher than 37,5 degrees centigrade.

The movement of people (workers, customers, suppliers or visitors) and the number of users or visitors in the reception or service area will also be limited within the premises, in order to maintain a minimum distance of two meters between them, when at the same time, the work areas will also be reorganized to guarantee the same minimum distance between workers.

In this phase of gradual reopening, teleworking will also be maintained for several workers, depending on their age, clinical or family situation and, whenever necessary, there will be rotation between teams physically present at the workplace, in order to ensure the recommended distance.

In line with the Contingency Plan activated by the Municipality, isolation areas are prepared for possible suspected or confirmed cases of Covid-19.

The municipality's workers were also made aware of a set of prevention rules, namely respiratory etiquette, correct washing and hand hygiene, operation and management of the various spaces and use of personal protective equipment in accordance with the respective services. Sharing work objects or equipment and group work (working meetings in camera) should be avoided.

At the same time, all work areas will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, in accordance with the Health Authority's recommendations, with particular attention to common areas, service areas and areas with greater frequency of use.
All measures taken by the Municipality are under constant monitoring and may be revised, through new guidelines that may be defined by the Health Authority.



