Algarve already has 20 new fans

The 10 fans that were missing are expected to arrive in Portugal on the next flight from China

The first 20 fans, and other equipment acquired by AMAL – Comunidade Intermunicipal do Algarve, were delivered this Tuesday, 26th May, to Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve (CHUA).

The moment was attended by several mayors of the region, members of the Board of Directors of CHUA, representatives of the Algarve Biomedical Center (ABC), the Regional Health Administration of the Algarve and the Rector of the University of Algarve.

“The moment is symbolic and full of meaning. It is the fulfillment of our promise», began by saying António Pina, AMAL's president.

"If it's true that the fans didn't arrive at the time when delivery was agreed, the most important thing is that they haven't been needed yet," he added.

Like the Sul Informação reported, these fans, which would cost 1,3 million euros, were ordered, but ended up not being supplied due to the competitiveness of the market.

The situation forced the Algarve Councils to give 600 thousand euros more for the purchase of new fans.

According to António Pina, "this is an example of cooperation and collaboration of the 16 municipalities in the Algarve, which, from the outset, have shown themselves available to support CHUA and the Regional Health Administration of the Algarve in combating the pandemic."

Thanking the other mayors for their commitment to this cause, the president of AMAL also wanted to address a few words to Nuno Marques, president of ABC, "for his fundamental help and support throughout the process of purchasing the necessary equipment and materials",

Nuno Marques, on the other hand, considered the support of the 16 municipalities and AMAL itself «crucial for the Algarve to be able to equip itself to fight this pandemic», confessing that the purchase of fans was an «especially difficult negotiation, requiring up-to-the-minute decisions, as a result of constant price fluctuations'.

Ana Paula Gonçalves, chairman of the Board of Directors of CHUA, also thanked the «generous initiative of AMAL, which contributed to the problem of ventilation in the Algarve being resolved».

And he added: “our mandate, which is about to end, will be marked by this moment, when there has never been so much concern with the NHS, such strong collaboration between institutions in the health area and articulation with other public entities. And also the involvement of private entities, which also donated materials».

The 16 Municipal Councils of the Algarve transferred to ABC around two million euros for the acquisition of equipment and materials needed by hospitals in the region in the fight against COVID-19.

The list included 30 invasive ventilators and personal protective material, such as masks, gloves and suits (which had already been delivered).

Also arrived yesterday infusion pumps and syringes, heart monitors and video laryngoscopes, which will now be distributed by hospitals in Faro and Portimão, according to needs.

The 10 fans that were missing are expected to arrive in Portugal on the next flight from China.

