Hospitals do Algarve five days and five nights without surgeons in March

CHUA only guarantees that this weekend's stopovers are guaranteed

Hospitals in the Algarve will have "five days without any surgeon within 24 hours and as many without any surgeon at night," denounced the Independent Medical Union (SIM).

«On none of the days of the month the constitution of the team respects the norms issued by the Medical Association and referring to this matter. Thus, the normal and adequate provision of health care in the surgical area is at risk», state the union members.

This is a consequence of the decision of eight surgical team leaders at the Hospital de Faro, who no longer do bank in the emergency room on 1 January. A position with which YES is in solidarity, accusing the Board of Directors of the University Hospital Center of the Algarve (CHUA) of leaving "everything the same", despite having already recognized "the correctness of the surgeons' claims", or "verbally either in writing' and having made 'several promises of settlement'.

Contacted by Sul Informação, the Board of Directors (CA) of CHUA guarantees that the «stops of this weekend are guaranteed in that specialty».

«The University Hospital Center of the Algarve is a single entity, made up of two hospital units that work in an integrated manner in the organization of work and sharing of resources. In this sense, the Board of Directors is committed to working together with the professionals and the General Surgery Services of both hospitals in order to ensure the response in the specialty, noting that only with the commitment and collaboration between all - doctors of the staff and medical service providers – we have managed to ensure a regional response», add those responsible for the management of public hospitals in the Algarve.

From the union, comes the assurance that the surgeons are only refusing to do “extraordinary work in the Emergency Service”.

«The Surgery Service maintains its normal functioning in all activities assigned to it, in particular, in the Operating Room, Outpatient Surgery, Minor Surgery, Internship, External Consultation, whether in specific surgery or consultations multidisciplinary, of its functional units, in addition to the support to all clinical areas of the hospital», assured the SIM.

The union regretted "that ten of the youngest surgeons are proposed to leave the institution, which will bring disastrous consequences for the service, for the hospital and for the patients."

"The SIM urges the Board of Directors and the Ministry of Health to assume their responsibilities in safeguarding the legitimate interests and rights of patients, correcting the deficient working conditions in the Emergency Department and the deficiencies recorded in the scale approved by the CA", he concluded the union.

