ETIC_Algarve lends computers to students for distance learning

Classes will start again next week, on April 1st

ETIC_Algarve is making computers and other teaching equipment available to trainees who otherwise would not be able to attend the distance classes that start on April 1st due to the current Covid-19 pandemic.

So this school of Faro carried out a survey of the needs that its trainees and trainers would have in terms of IT equipment and others, with the aim of borrowing them.

«This whole exceptional situation made us re-evaluate the ways in which we can provide the same service, but with a different methodology. This decision to provide equipment to our trainees is fundamental to our strategy of ensuring that we remain active and keep our trainees active in this phase of recollection» explains Nuno Ribeiro, from ETIC_Algarve.

This solution has been received with enthusiasm by the trainees, who «have expressed their pleasure with this resumption of classes, as they wish to quickly return to their creative activities».

Classes will start again next week, on April 1st, after a period of analysis of the technological solution to be implemented and the redoing of the «planning of the various courses».

«This has been an effort by all: from Pedagogical Management to the team of course coordinators and assistants, who have been working intensively to adjust the schedules in order to guarantee the conditions for everything to work», explains Nuno Ribeiro.

At this time, when the equipment is already being delivered to trainees, whether collected at school or delivered to the homes of some trainees, the recommendations of the General Directorate of Health continue to be complied with, to avoid the overcrowding of trainees in the school, ensuring that “the two dozen pieces of equipment to be borrowed, (computers, digital musical instruments, among others), are safely delivered”.

