Two new infected people in the municipality of Portimão are foreign tourists

Woman of Covid-19's first fatal victim in Algarve is new confirmed case in Albufeira

Of the four new confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the Algarve, half of them are in Portimão. Isilda Gomes, president of the Chamber, revealed to the Sul Informação that these are two foreign tourists, with no connection between them, who were staying in hotels in the county.

The mayor was unable to specify the nationalities or the ages of these patients.

In Albufeira, in the bulletin released by the ARS this afternoon, there is a new confirmed case that, according to José Carlos Rolo, president of the Chamber, corresponds to the wife of the 77-year-old man who was Covid-19's first fatality in the Algarve.

However, said the mayor to our newspaper, there is still another case in the county, which is not yet included in the regional bulletin. The infected is a man who was in France, returned to Portugal, in the North of the country, and then traveled to Albufeira.

in the county of Faro, was also registered, by the ARS, this Tuesday, another confirmed case of the new coronavirus.


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