Algarvian short film documents day-to-day life during Covid-19's crisis

19 will premiere online

It's called “19” and it's an experimental short film, made in Algarve, which will debut, exclusively online, on the 30th of March, at 22 pm. The film, by Hernâni Duarte Maria, shows a little of his life during the pandemic crisis.

“I've been home for two weeks and my wife is a nurse. Obviously, I've been doing everything and more here at home, with all the care. I'm also, therefore, more attentive to what's going on online and I've been talking to many people about what's happening», tells the director and founder of Paradoxon Produções, to Sul Informação.

One of the people he spoke to was Pedro Glória, from the Sonda project, in Lagos, who «has been making some videos live on Facebook. In one of them, I told him that song was good for a movie. He threw me the challenge and I accepted».


Hernani Duarte Maria


Then the filming of the film began, which was made «in two days, indoors and outdoors, during the quick trips to the supermarket and here in the neighbourhood. In the film, I portray what I have seen around me in a simple way. Everything is an object that can be filmed and that's what I did. Everything that appears in the movie was there. Nothing has been manipulated».

Hernâni Duarte Maria assumes that it can be said that this is a “documental film, but I prefer experimental, since that is the record”.

“19” was shot “with an iPhone X mobile phone, has music from the Sonda project, by Pedro Glória, and everything else is my work. It is an experimental film of 6 minutes», summarizes Hernâni Duarte Maria.

Details of the premiere are being finalized. "If possible, we will do a direct on Facebook to present the film", concludes the director.

Anyway, the premiere of “19” has a date and time: March 30th, at 22 pm, on a computer or smartphone close to you.


Technical sheet
19 – Experimental short film
Probe / Pedro Gloria
Hernani Duarte Maria
Directing, photography, filming and design
Hernani Duarte Maria

(c) Paradoxon Productions 2020 all rights reserved


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