Covid-19: Vhils Imminent Festival with online and solidarity edition tomorrow

Funds raised revert to the Hospital and University Centers of Central Lisbon and São João, in Porto

The Iminente festival, which has Vhils as one of its founders, will have an online edition tomorrow, Saturday, between 16:00 and 23:20, with the value of the tickets going to two reference hospitals in the treatment of the new coronavirus in Portugal.

The poster, available on the festival pages on our social medias, includes performances by musicians such as Julinho KSD, Dino D'Santiago, Prétu, Mayra Andrade and Ana Moura, performances by Miguel Januário, with the ±maismenos± project, and live painting by Tamara Alves, among others.

«With a view to cheering up the crowd and helping those on the front lines in the fight against Covid-19 in Portugal, we present a special online edition of Iminente associated with a fundraising campaign for the two leading hospitals in the treatment of this disease. pandemic”, refers the organization in a publication shared today on the festival's social networks.

The “Emergency Edition” of Iminente includes a poster with “conversation, music, performance, dance and Live painting [live painting]».

Tickets for this edition “do not have a fixed price”.

«Each one gives what he can. And the entire amount raised goes to hospitals», says the organization.

Donations "to help the Central Lisbon Hospital and University Center and the São João University and Hospital Center" can be made through the online fundraising platform GoFundME, through this link.

O Iminente, a festival that brings together music and visual arts, took place for the first time in Oeiras, in 2016. The following year, the Municipal Garden in that city once again hosted the initiative. In 2018, the Iminente took place in Lisbon, at the Panorâmico de Monsanto, where it will remain until this year.

In 2017 and 2018, the festival also took place in London. Last year, it was Shanghai's turn to host, in March, a ShowCase of the festival, which in May took place for the first time in Rio de Janeiro.

