Nelson Conceição & guests give concert at Cinema Ossónoba de Estoi

Tickets are available

A concert by accordionist Nelson Conceição, with guests, will take place this Saturday, February 29, from 21 pm, at Cinema Ossónoba de Estoi.

Nelson Conceição «rejoins a group of excellent musicians, producing a contagious fusion that revisits musical Portugal, covering different territories ranging from fado to Alentejo sing, from jazz to traditional music, always with a contemporary look».

The concert will have Cristina Paulo (vocals), Paulo Machado on bass, Petru Moroi on clarinet and saxophone, Pedro Branco on percussions and Jorge Macedo on horn.

This concert is organized by Grupo Desportivo e Cultural Jograis António Aleixo in partnership with Associação Charola Amizade Estoinse, with the support of the Câmara de Faro, Regional Directorate for Culture of the Algarve and the Union of Parishes of Conceição and Estoi.

Tickets are available at the Parish Councils of Estoi, Conceição de Faro and Santa Bárbara de Nexe and in the commercial spaces of Estoi.

