Napoleon and the Grafonola fly to the Sagres Fortress

Loulé House of Culture project, integrated in DiVaM

The show “Grafonola Voadora & Napoleão Mira” will be presented at the Fortaleza de Sagres, on Sunday, November 24th, at 17 pm, as part of the DiVaM – Dynamization and Valorization of Monuments program.

The quintet composed by Luís Galrito ​​(singer), João Espada (visual artist), Napoleão Mira (poet and reciter), Ricardo Martins (guitar) and João Palma (accordionist) proposes to reconstruct an affective, symbolic, visual and musical geography related to the Promontório de Sagres, in a performance whose matrix is ​​the permanent and contemporary dialogue between the physical and intangible heritage and the triad music – word – image.

The project “Grafonola Voadora & Napoleão Mira” will explore the imagination of the journeys, experienced and dreamed by our navigators and which were so well portrayed by our writers and poets and intends to convey a new approach, a new critical look at the monument in question, promoting its relevance in the preservation and reconstruction of a collective cultural identity.

This is a project of the Casa de Cultura de Loulé, part of DiVaM – Dynamization and Valorization of Monuments – cultural program organized by Regional Directorate of Culture of the Algarve.

