“Conservation of Birds of Prey” is the subject of a seminar in Castro Verde

The initiative is organized by the League for the Protection of Nature

Photo: José Pesqueiro

The final seminar of the LIFE Imperial project “Conservation of Birds of Prey” takes place on the 14th, 15th and 16th of November, at the Cineteatro Municipal de Castro Verde.

The initiative is organized by the League for the Protection of Nature, in partnership with the Municipality of Castro Verde, and 125 participants from Portugal, Spain and Hungary have already been confirmed.

The seminar intends to be an international meeting on the conservation of the imperial eagle and other great eagles and vultures and aims to disseminate the results obtained under the Imperial LIFE and the exchange of knowledge and experiences that promote a more efficient conservation of birds of prey.

The event will be attended by a wide range of national and international speakers and will include plenary sessions, oral presentations and posters, as well as other activities, such as field trips, workshops and exhibitions, and also some cultural moments.

In addition to the more scientific contents, this seminar will include, on the 14th, at 18 pm, a Tertúlia on the development of LIFE Imperial.

The initiative is open to the public and is aimed at anyone interested in the conservation of the Iberian imperial eagle. After this moment, a tribute will be held to the members of the custody network “Guardians of the Imperial Eagle” who have supported the conservation of this species in a variety of ways.

No website do LIFE Imperial project or on the event page on Facebook All information is available (in Portuguese and English), including accommodation suggestions, “How to get there” information and much more.

