University of Algarve celebrates European Day of Languages ​​with scientific day

Presentations are open to the public

The Faculty of Human and Social Sciences (FCHS) of the University of Algarve (UAlg) organizes, on 26 and 27 September, the XV scientific day of the Panlatina Terminology Network (REALITER) as a way to celebrate the European Day of Languages. 

The initiative will take place at the Teresa Gamito Auditorium, on the Gambelas Campus of the University of Algarve.

The opening session will be chaired by Paulo Águas, dean of UAlg, and will be attended by the head of the General Delegation of the French Language and French Languages ​​(institution of the French Ministry of Culture) Paul de Sinety, who is one of the entities network funders.

REALITER, of which UAlg has been a member since its creation, nearly 25 years ago, brings together professors and researchers in the field of terminology studies from all European, American and some African countries that have a Romance language as their official language.

The first objective of REALITER is the creation, harmonization and use of terminologies in the Latin languages, having already developed about 30 terminological vocabularies from as many fields of knowledge as the terms and their equivalents in Portuguese (European and Brazilian variants), Spanish (European and American variants), French (European and American variants), Galician, Catalan, Italian and Romanian.

This network, which had already met at UAlg in 2010, will count on this journey with the participation of around five dozen terminology specialists from Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Romania, Morocco, Lebanon, Brazil and Mexico. The theme of the event will be “Terminology and Mediation”.

Among other specialists, the presence of Teresa Lino, retired full professor at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, founder of RELAITER and responsible for introducing the study of terminology into university curricula in Portugal, and Piet van de Craen, retired full professor at Universidade Livre from Brussels, specialist in multilingualism and neurolinguistics.

With the theme "Terminology and linguistic mediation: methods, practices and activities", the journey will be broadcast live via streaming here

Presentations are open to the public.

