Almargem invites you to walk in the moonlight at Fonte da Benémola

The 7 Fontes route is circular, has 9 kilometers and presents a medium degree of difficulty.

A moonlit walk along the 7 Fontes route, at Fonte Benémola (Loulé), illuminated by the enigmatic August full moon, is Almargem's proposal for the next Friday, August 16th.

“Let's activate our senses in order to appreciate all the night sounds that we will come across along the way”, challenges the environmental association.

The promoters invite "all participants to bring a dish or a delicious dessert to share, at the end of the walk, in a convivial moment taking place on a terrace of a rustic villa with an incredible view over the enchanted valley of Benémola".

The meeting point for the activity will be at 19 pm at the Fonte Benémola car park (GPS coordinates: 00°37'11”N | 55.43°8'0”W). The 15.38 Fontes route is circular, has 7 kilometers, presents a medium degree of difficulty and will last approximately 9 to 2 hours.

The activity costs 5 euros per adult and is free for participants under 12 years old.

You can register until the 14th of August, at 17:00, through the fill in this form by clicking here.


