The enigmatic casuistry reality

More than causes, we need causes with ideas and ideals that support them

I've always felt that the word “ideology” causes discomfort and even chills for those who were born before November 9, 1989, the night the Cold War finally ended, with the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Listening to her reminds me of the times when, as a child, I looked questioningly at images of people trying to overcome the unhappiness of this wall, which, in addition to being physical, was above all ideological.

By the way, those who visit countries like Slovakia, the Czech Republic or Hungary can easily see this and this division is still alive in the present, in regimes like those of Northern Correia or even Cuba.

However, Europe and European societies have changed and we have changed too, and today is the period when political ideologies have been replaced by the politics of causes. The politics of causes or casuistry is no less dangerous or less harmful to freedoms than that of extreme ideology, be it fascist or communist.

Through the politics of causes, we impose our ideals, interests or even personal tastes on the entire community in which we live. And for this, political parties are created, whose main and sole objective is to defend single-person causes or those of sectarian groups.

Take, for example, Nigel Farage's Brexit Party, which clearly states that "it has no other policies than the defense of the UK's exit from the European Union without any exit agreement."

And then? Nobody knows. It will be legitimate to create a party just for this cause, without predicting the future, without an ideological guideline, be it left or right, with which we can agree or disagree, but which shows us proposals for organization and planning that are indispensable for any society?…

In Portugal, we follow the same path of particular casuistry, appearing like broken mushrooms, still small, trying to navigate above some ideological “stain” that stains them, but which simultaneously defines them.

In the last European elections, the PURP (United Pensioners and Pensioners Party) colored the campaign with claims directed solely at this remarkable and essential – and I say this without any irony and total respect and full meaning of the words – but not the only one, banner age of our population.

At the beginning of June, the well-known “Tino de Rans” founded the RIR (React, Include and Recycle; all important verbs). When asked whether the party he created identifies with the right or the left, he argued that the RIR "is a 360-degree party, because the name itself says to include."

But, in Portugal, the most grandiose and paradigmatic case of a casuistry party is the well-known PAN (People, Animals and Nature, all of which are good and always defensible), which, according to André Silva, its spokesman and deputy at Assembly of the Republic, is "neither left, nor right, nor center". It is “a party of CAUSES”. There it is! Nobody knows what the PAN is, nor what it really stands for. Also because, as with the PCTP/MRPP, its congresses are… behind closed doors! And the sum of their abstentions in Parliament does not allow us to see trends...

Personally, I would rather know the evil I don't want than something I don't quite know what it is. I'm sorry, I don't know what it's like to be against the anthropomorphization of society, even because André Silva, deputy of the nation and human being, if he had been replaced by a chicken in most of the votes, he would only continue to add abstentions and, soon , your votes would continue to be of little use.

I apologize again, but I consider it a waste of time that anyone would see it as defensible for our nation's elected plenum to discuss a shift in popular proverbs involving animals.

And adopt other measures that, I have no doubt, are presented even with the best of intentions, but that do not seek to solve structural and educational problems, which ultimately result, and I say it sadly, in acts that we all consider incorrect and disrespectful , whether for people, animals, or nature.

More than causes, we need causes with ideas and ideals that sustain them, or we run the risk of making our proposals and actions laughable.

And to make the organization of our social life impractical, which already has so many obstacles. And what we all want is to take care of this land, which is our common home, and live in peace, respecting ourselves and respecting everything around us. And that reality is clearer, less enigmatic and casuistry, simpler, so that we can advance, grow, progress. Why only on the moon there is no wind.

