Tradition of the Mayans “invades” Vila do Bispo

This is a "spring tradition whose origins are lost in time"

The “Maias”, white rag dolls, decorated with old clothes and wild flowers, are back, until 31 May, in the municipality of Vila do Bispo. 

This is a “spring tradition whose origins are lost in time”.

To explore the “Roteiro das Maias”, the City Council created a online platform which takes you to the places where the “Maias” are placed.

This initiative, organized by the Municipality of Vila do Bispo in collaboration with the Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Vila do Bispo, the Municipality's Group of Schools and the municipality's population, aims to not let the tradition “which is based on the placement of dolls” die , handcrafted by the population, in various places, especially outside their homes».


Places where the "Maias" are exhibited


Intermarché, Kindergarten, Health Centre, Parish Council, Church, Lar de Sagres, Café Flamingo (Municipal Market), Roça de Veiga, Rua do Mercado, Café Oliveirinha, EB1 nº 2 in Sagres and Rua da Botelha

Bishop's Village:
Social Centre, Health Centre, Market, Church, Kindergarten Room 2, Paula Rio Retros Shop, Cultural Center, Original Fashion, Rua Ribeira do Poço 26, Rua Sra. do Amparo, Parish Council, Bakery Palasul, E.B1 of Vila do Bispo, Pedro Family Villa, Vila do Bispo Town Hall, Interpretation Center

Social Center, Garden in front of the Church, Church, Sports Center;
Figueira, Cultural and Social Center of Figueira;

Parish Council, Budens Home, Nursery, Budens Community Educational Center and Multiservices;

Baron of S. Miguel
Recreation Society of Barão de S. Miguel;

Bus Stop, Main Street, Travessa das Escadinhas and Fishing Warehouse;

