"Technical Solutions in Visit Boxes" is the theme of a workshop in Faro

Workshop is promoted by Águas do Algarve and by the company MC-Bauchemie

Identifying problems that exist in basic sanitation systems, but also solutions for them, is the objective of the workshop “Undue Affluences_ Technical Solutions in Visitor Boxes”, which Águas do Algarve (AdA) will promote on the 29th, at the WWTP Faro/Olhão, together with the company MC-Bauchemie.

As the Algarve multi-municipal company recalled, all wastewater drainage systems have manholes and cleaning. "With climate change becoming more and more evident, undue inflows to basic sanitation systems are also more emphasized, so it is up to the managing entities of these infrastructures to act preventively in the control of inflows, keeping their assets in good condition." added Águas do Algarve.

Bearing in mind that, in the Algarve, "this issue is increasingly on the agenda, resulting in some cases in significant financial losses" and that repair solutions have "costs in which the payback period is very low", the AdA accepted the challenge of the MC-Bauchemie company to carry out this workshop in Faro.

The main objective of the event will be "to analyze the main causes of the problems that exist in sanitation systems, with which various entities are faced today", while demonstrating "that there are real and feasible solutions for them" .

Registration is free, but mandatory and can be made via emails [email protected] or [email protected].

