Chamber grants subsidy for requalification works at the Hospital Unit of Lagos

Much of the money will be used in the emergency service

The Municipal Council of Lagos unanimously approved, in its Public Meeting of 15 May, the draft of the Interadministrative Contract to be established with the University Hospital Center of Algarve, within the scope of the Hospital Unit of Lagos.

The Inter-Administrative Agreement provides for the attribution of a subsidy in the amount of 33.700 euros and aims to requalify spaces in the Hospital Unit of Lagos, as well as carrying out interventions aimed at improving the safety, quality and comfort of patients and professionals who attend this unit. Hospital Unit.

The subsidy will be applied to the refurbishment of an emergency service patient admission counter, the remodeling and adaptation of the emergency room nursing, the renovation of windows in the administrative area and changing rooms, the acquisition of 12 televisions for patient areas and in the acquisition of a chair to weigh patients.

This decision materializes the interest that the Municipality has shown in the maintenance, strengthening and expansion of the structures of the NHS health services in the Lagos area, collaborating both with the University Hospital Center of the Algarve, and with the ARS/Group of Health Centers of the Barlavento, to which the local authority has also recently supported the installation of new areas, namely the Office of Dental Medicine and Oral Health, which has been operating since last September at the Lagos Health Centre.

The Chamber explains that "this Contract was drawn up after analyzing the municipal competences under the legislation in force, in particular with regard to the Legal Regime of Local Authorities, which reflects that the municipality: has powers in the field of investment and respect for general principles of administrative decentralization, subsidiarity, complementarity, pursuit of the public interest and protection of the rights and interests of citizens and the intangibility of State attributions; it can decide on the forms of support to legally existing entities and bodies, namely with a view to carrying out works or holding events of interest to the municipality; it can collaborate in supporting programs and projects of municipal interest, in partnership with central administration entities; as well as ensuring adequate support for the exercise of powers by the State».

