Going “A Bola para Ajuda” raised more than four tons of food

Initiative that has been repeated since 2012

The solidarity action “À Bola para Ajudar” collected, last Saturday, May 11, 4150 kilos of food to be delivered to those who need it most. 

The initiative took place at the Portimonense-Marítimo game, in a partnership between the Algarve SAD and Teia d'Impulsos.

The collected goods were delivered to those responsible for the Social Refectory of the Social and Parish Center of Nossa Senhora do Amparo in Portimão, to the Social Canteen of Cáritas Parish of the Matrix of Portimão, to the Hospital Nucleus of Support to Children and Youth at Risk of the Portimão Unit Algarve Hospital Center, Catraia-Temporary Reception Center for Minors at Risk and the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Alvor.

This is an initiative that has been repeated since 2012.

