Students from Olhão went to Bulgaria for a project on human impact on coastal ecosystems

Oyenne students joined colleagues from Spain, Greece, Italy, Latvia and Bulgaria

Three students from the Dr Francisco Fernandes Lopes School Group, from Olhão, were in Dobrich, Bulgaria, from the 17th to the 23rd of March, within the scope of the Erasmus+ – project Human Impacts @ Coastal Ecosystems.

Ana Rita Rodrigues, Beatriz Valente and Laura Guerreiro joined students from Spain, Greece, Italy, Latvia and Bulgaria (hosts) to conduct collaborative work workshops on the theme of biodiversity in coastal ecosystems.

From the lecture given by the NGO Green Balkans, on coastal and wetland ecosystems characteristic of the coastal region near Dobrich, the students inferred that «their benefits for humans are multiple and yet, for them, they are threatened,” explains that Grouping of Schools.

The young participants were alerted to “the need to preserve fauna, especially the red breast goose, which is in danger of extinction due to hunting, and the flora threatened by the demand for new areas of land for cultivation and by the increase in tourism in the sea. Black".

As an experience of civic activity, they proceeded with the identification of waste left by those who used a typical beach on the coast (Kavarna), culminating in its collection. They were “activities carried out in a spirit of camaraderie, teamwork and a sense of responsibility”.

At the end of an intense week, already full of nostalgia and good memories, students from other countries were invited to come to Olhão, which will take place in May 2020. in May, between the 5th and 11th, in Mascalucia, in the Catania region, in Italy.


