Loulé Design Lab Conversation Cycle continues with Rita Filipe

The conversation will take place at the Convento do Espírito Santo, in Loulé

«Cultural Design – Cosmopolitan and Vernacular Design» is the theme of the new conversation of the cycle promoted by Loulé Design Lab, which will have Rita Filipe as speaker. The conversation will take place at the Convento do Espírito Santo, in Loulé, on Wednesday, the 6th, at 18:30 pm, with free entry.

A PhD in Design at the Vista Alegre factory and an artistic residency in Senegal will be the motto of this conversation about design, material culture and consumption, tradition and contemporaneity.

It proposes to "work with the cultural diversity that surrounds us, sharing practices and cultural meaning in contemporary everyday objects", "discover new meanings in traditional culture and translate it into contemporary interests and practices", "find new opportunities for local vernacular culture” and “prolonging the use of objects, curbing consumption and excessive production”.

Still this month of February, on the 26th, at 18 pm, there will be another session of the Loulé Design Lab Conversation Cycle, with Miguel Flores Soeiro, who will talk about Design à Vista.

