Applications to support Burnt Forest are open

Public and private owners of forest areas affected by the August fire can benefit

The application period for support for the restoration of the forest affected by the fire in August, which affected the municipalities of Monchique, Silves and Portimão, is open until the 28th of February.

Those interested in applying for this support can obtain more information from the Regional Directorate of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Algarve or on the internet here , referring to “Operation 8.1.4 Restoration of Forest Affected by Biotic and Abiotic Agents or by Catastrophic Events”.

This measure calls for support and “intervention at the level of forestry and agroforestry explorations”, as well as the “reestablishment of forest stands affected by biotic and abiotic agents and recovery of damaged protection and signaling infrastructures”.

It also advocates intervention with a relevant territorial scale, which may include «support for the preparation of Forest Management Plans or an equivalent instrument for individual explorations, for ZIF and for grouped areas».

Under this program, public and private owners of forest areas can benefit from support.

