Public Ministry accuses man who killed a friend's neighbor in Silves

Woman was killed with nine rifle shots

A 73-year-old Belgian man, suspected of having killed a friend's neighbor, in December 2016, in Silves, was accused by the Public Ministry (MP). 

The MP accused both this man and his friend, a 58-year-old woman, of involvement in the crime. According to the indictment, the suspect, a friend of the defendant, often spent the night at her house in Silves.

On the night of December 18th to 19th, 2016, following a plan they both outlined, the man "hidden near the victim's house", with whom his friend, 58 years old, "had a long neighborhood conflict. », killing her with 9 rifle shots.

According to the indictment, the defendants then simulated an assault on the victim's home, burned the clothes of the alleged murderer "and threw the weapon and projectiles used into the sea, on a cliff in Sagres."

The woman, who had a neighborhood conflict with the victim, is subject to a term of identity and residence, while the man is in preventive detention.

The inquiry was directed by the Silves section of the Department of Investigation and Criminal Action of Faro, with the assistance of the Judiciary Police of the Criminal Investigation Department of Portimão.

