Tocata de Soldadinhos de Chumbo helps the party at the «Sítio do Natal» in Bordeira

The party at the «Sítio do Natal» will be fun, reinforced with new “hirings”

The National Guard of Father Christmas has provided, from its Regiment No. 1, a Toccata of Soldiers of Lead, who, with their musical instruments, will animate the party of Father Christmas, made up of the Christmas Mothers and the elves. In this way, Santa Claus will be able to distribute presents to the boys and girls who are attending his arrival. It will be like this in the village of Bordeira, in the interior of the municipality of Faro, next Saturday, December 22, from 11:00 am to 20:00 pm, at its “Sítio do Natal”.

In a land linked to the accordion, the players of this instrument could not miss the Christmas party, open to the public. There will be four accordion players to animate the event: Catarina Viegas, Pedro Ramos, Inês Faria and João Palma, who recently became World Champion of 2018.

In the event of rain or very cold weather, the organization hired a giant tent, where heating mushrooms will be placed. In other words, in addition to human heat, there will be real heat.

The Outdoor Activities Center will be the epicenter of the party, organized for the first time by the very active Bordeirense Recreational Society.

«From face painting to a giant piano and a drum that anyone can play, passing through the modeling of inflatable balloons to enchanting games, an illusionist joins this event, because at Christmas, magic cannot be lacking», explains the Sociedade Recreativa Bordeirense.

In addition to all this, there will be popcorn, cotton candy, a small handicraft exhibition, local cuisine, an «irreverent nativity scene built by the magic hand of the community and lots of music with Duo Margô and Grupo Coral from the Senior University of Olhão».

The party is not complete without dancing by the Urban Express group, the children's theater “The Christmas snack of the Red Capuchin”, by the Te.atrito group, and more music with Domingos e Amigos.

The party at «Christmas place» has free entry.

The organization is the responsibility of Sociedade Recreativa Bordeirense, with the support of the Municipality of Faro, of the Parish Council of Santa Bárbara de Nexe.

