Civil servants have point tolerance on December 24th and 31st

Tradition of moving out of place of residence justifies point tolerance

The Government granted a point allowance on 24 and 31 December to workers who exercise public functions in the State, according to an order signed by Prime Minister António Costa.

The tradition of people moving out of their place of residence, for family meetings, justifies, according to the executive, this tolerance of time on Christmas and New Year's Eve.

The Government also refers to the "existing tradition in the sense of granting point tolerance, at this time, to non-essential public services".

In the order of the prime minister, it can be read that «a point tolerance is granted to workers who exercise public functions in the services of the State's direct administration, whether central or decentralized, and in public institutes on the next 24th and 31st of December 2018'.

There is, however, an exception: «the services and bodies that, for reasons of public interest, must remain in operation during that period, in terms to be defined by the competent member of the Government».

The order adds that "without prejudice to the continuity and quality of the service to be provided, the top managers of the services and bodies referred to in the preceding paragraph shall promote the equivalent of dismissing the duty of attendance of the respective workers, on a day to be fixed in due course".

