Purchase of sloops to race in Culatra wins OP of the União de Freguesias de Faro

In all, four proposals were approved

The purchase of traditional boats, namely sloops, to dynamize regattas in Culatra, was the most voted proposal in the Participatory Budget of the União de Freguesias de Faro, and one of the four through which the 60 thousand euros of investment proposed for this initiative will be distributed.

The winning proposal, which, according to the Parish Union of Faro, «aimed at boosting regattas in sloops by fishermen from Ilha da Culatra, both in the Festa de Honour to Nossa Srª dos Navegantes and in other recreational and sporting events», received 208 votes, out of the 587 that were submitted .

Then came the proposal “Animal Welfare – Sterilization and control of pet animals”, with 126 votes, which proposes a budget for veterinary checks to facilitate the access of the needy population to treatments in solidarity veterinary clinics.

In third place, with 85 votes, was the project “Replacing the Roof of the Church of the Church of S. Pedro de Faro”, “which aims to benefit the premises of the storage and distribution of items donated to needy families identified by this parish”.

Finally, the fourth most voted proposal, with 35 votes, was “Faro & Bike”, «a project that aims to create a network of parking lots for bicycles and to carry out awareness-raising actions on this subject».

«The Union of Parishes of Faro considers the civic participation in this edition of the Participatory Budget to be very significant, both in the proposal presentation phase and in the voting phase. The proponents will also be involved in the implementation of these projects, which will take place in 2019", concludes the Farense Board.

