Cine-Teatro Louletano hosts three artist residencies in October

Raquel André, Cátia Pinheiro and Gustavo Ciríaco are the guest artists

The Cine-Teatro Louletano will host three artistic residencies with national and international creators, during the month of October.

These residencies result from the collaboration between the cultural structure of Loulé and the association casaBranca, from Lagos, within the scope of the “Verão Azul” festival.

“Using your own body in order to collect people. Using the body as a file, learning to assimilate the memories of others in the body. This is exactly what the creator Raquel André proposes while doing, in Loulé, at the Convento do Espírito Santo, during the 7th and 12th of October, her artistic residency supported by the Cine-Teatro Louletano», describes the Câmara de Loulé.

The project “Collection of Artists”, «is the continuation of the residency carried out in May this year in collaboration with Teatro das Figuras in Faro, which resulted in the acquisition of two artists».

The creator's proposal “is to promote meetings and ask performing arts artists based in the Municipality of Loulé to allow themselves to be collected”. The result will be seen on October 11th, at 18:30 pm, in the auditorium of the Convento do Espírito Santo, in an “Open Conversation with Raquel André”.

«The support of Cine-Teatro Louletano does not stop here, however. It is an investment in a long-term project, in response to the casaBranca collective, organizer of the “Verão Azul” Festival which, in 2019, marks its 9th edition, when all the work developed within the scope of artistic residencies will be presented to the general public in the form of spectacles of greater breath», according to the municipality.

Also this month, Cátia Pinheiro will be at the Cine-Teatro Louletano working on the “Walk #2” project, «a site-specific audio route that uses a city, Loulé, and small fictions extracted from it, to try to lead us in a unique and personal journey through the individual perspective of each spectator».

After the residency period, from 7th to 14th October, texts will be created and audio material will be recorded, «this work will culminate in the editing of a unique audiowalk, created for and from the places where they are located, but there will be a moment intermediate in which part of the collection made and the eyes will be shown in the “Open Conversation with Cátia Pinheiro”, also at the Convento do Espírito Santo, in Loulé, on 18 October, at 18 pm.

The Brazilian Gustavo Ciríaco is the other artist who will perform the residency of his next creation, between the 23rd of October and the 4th of November, at the Cine-Teatro Louletano.

His artistic residency “Between dogs and wolves” is “the scenic project of building borderline landscapes between light and darkness through the collection of accounts and descriptions of landscapes that no longer exist, kept only in the memories of elders, and of dreamscapes drawn and imagined by children».

“Between dogs and wolves” is inspired by the twilight hours and reduced light to investigate visibility conditions and ways of translating landscape experiences in the theater's dark room. In Loulé, Ciríaco will work with a group of senior adults on their memories of landscapes that no longer exist.

