Câmara de Monchique offers manuals to all students from 1st to 9th grade

The measure "is not part of the program presented by the Government that provides for the loan of school textbooks"

The Municipality of Monchique offered "all textbooks to all 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle students residing in the municipality or attending schools in the municipality during the 2018-2019 school year".

This is a "unique and local measure", which "is not part of the program presented by the Government that provides for the loan of school textbooks", guaranteed the Monchique City Council.

The municipality invested around 48 thousand euros in this measure, which, in the view of the municipality, guarantees «access to education, equal opportunities and translates into prominent help to families at this time of year».

"In the area of ​​education, other types of support are also guaranteed, namely school transport throughout the county, exemptions and reduced fees at the municipal crèche and scholarships for university students," added the Monchique City Council.

