Câmara de Lagos approved commendation for European and national runners-up in the county

This act intends to recognize the merit of the athletes

The City of Lagos approved a vote of congratulations and praise for the athletes who recently won titles at European and national level, in speed skating and tennis, respectively.

At the Chamber Meeting this Wednesday, the lacobrigense city council executive recognized the merit of the local athletes who, integrated in the national speed skating team, were crowned European vice champions in the American Relay Event (3Km), in the European Championship of Speed ​​Skating, which took place from the 17th to the 23rd of August, in Oostende, Belgium.

The athletes from Lagos who helped to win the silver medal were Diogo Marreiros (from Roller Lagos Clube de Patinagem), David Pedro and Miguel Bravo (from Grupo Desportivo de Lagoa).

At the same time, the municipality paid homage to the Lagos Tennis Club, which was runner-up by teams in the National Tennis Championship, which took place between 5 and 8 July in Vale de Lobo, in the municipality of Loulé.

The praise is extended to the club's veteran team, made up of athletes José Alberto Pereira, Fernando Lobo, Marc Van Dalem, Luís Machado, Pascal Goulard, BarryBarnes and Carlos Cunha, national vice-champion in the Veterans + 50 category (single and competitions). pairs).

"The Municipality considered it fair to publicly praise the aforementioned athletes, including in these votes family members, coaches, the technical team, managers and sports institutions represented by them, stressing that the effort, motivation and dedication shown not only generate a positive impact on the respective modalities, as they contribute to the affirmation of the county, the region and the country in the competitive sporting panorama», according to the Câmara de Lagos.

