Aljezur will draw up regulations to provide support and benefits to firefighters

Approved proposal wants to recognize the work of firefighters and encourage them to remain in the corporation

The Municipality of Aljezur approved, at the Chamber meeting held on 28 August, the proposal to start the procedure for the preparation of the Municipal Regulation for the attribution of social support and benefits to the municipality's Voluntary Firefighters.

With the measures that will integrate this regulation, the City Council of Aljezur intends to «recognise the work of our firefighters, as well as encourage them to remain in the staff of our corporation and motivate the adhesion of new men and women to this cause».

The Aljezurense autarchy emphasizes that “the Voluntary Firefighters, in today's society, are the backbone of the national, regional and local Civil Protection system. These are men and women who do their best to save lives and goods, which in itself requires a public appreciation of their commitment, constituting one of the highest expressions of human solidarity».

Therefore, considers the Aljezur City Council, «the action of the Volunteer Firefighters must be creditor of the unconditional recognition of the community and its institutions».

