Man who ran over cyclist in Boliqueime has already surrendered to GNR

Driver who killed cyclist has already been appointed defendant

The 50-year-old man suspected of running over a cyclist in Boliqueime, on Estrada Nacional (EN) 270, turned himself in to the GNR, this Sunday afternoon, 22 July.

Ao Sul Informação, a GNR source revealed that the driver, a Portuguese national, turned himself in around 16:00, after having fled during the accident.

According to the same source, the man driving the car is "a friend of the vehicle's owner", who complained to the GNR that the vehicle had been stolen.

It is certain that the car was found, this Sunday, in Monte Escarpão, in Albufeira, but without the driver, after the fatal collision that took place at around 8:30 am.

The GNR's Traffic Accident Criminal Investigation Nucleus is investigating the case.

