Pinheiro e Rosa School Group already has the highest level Healthy School Seal

Distinction is a challenge for the Group to continue working in order to improve its practices

The Pinheiro and Rosa School Grouping, from Faro, was awarded the Seal of Healthy School, level III, the highest level, as a result of the recognition of the work developed in favor of a Healthy School.

This is an initiative of the Directorate-General for Education, with the collaboration of the Directorate-General for Health, and which aims to reward schools that, in their daily lives, favor the promotion of health and well-being in the educational community. 

"We live today in a world of global problems, such as climate change, extremism, inequalities in access to fundamental goods and rights (in particular in health and education) plus humanitarian crises," stresses the direction of AEPROSA.

But the Educational Community of this Grouping has shown that it has children, young people and adults who «are committed to building a School that promotes Health and Well-Being, reflecting this attitude, equally, its concern in social and environmental terms for the planet, understanding what surrounds them and looking for solutions that contribute to putting the world on the path of healthy, sustainable and inclusive development».

This distinction is valid for two years and challenges the Group to «continue to improve its practices by contributing to the promotion of healthy interpersonal relationships, involving the entire educational community and contributing to the strengthening of health and well-being skills in the educational community, creating a positive image of the School».

