Centro de Lagos will have extraordinary garbage collection circuits in the summer

Lagos will have extraordinary garbage collection circuits during the summer, to guarantee the cleanliness of the historic center of the city […]

Lagos will have extraordinary garbage collection circuits during the summer, to guarantee the cleanliness of the city's historic center during this period when the population increases substantially, due to tourism.

More people means more garbage, which led the Câmara de Lagos «to draw up a plan to strengthen the urban cleaning device for the city's historic centre, which is already underway», according to the municipality.

In addition to the daily sweeping of the streets and their washing "according to needs", there will also be "the collection of waste from the paper bins twice a day (with extraordinary collection carried out at the end of each day), the extra collection of recyclables ( paper, cardboard and packaging) between 18:00 and 20:00 and the collection of solid urban waste every day of the week between 00:00 and 6:00, plus an extra collection of bags improperly deposited during the day, to take place between 15:00 and at 17 pm».

Strengthening the means of collection, stressed the City Council of Lagos, required “an increased effort in articulation with the various operators involved, namely ALGAR”, which was made aware “of the need to ensure the collection of the most critical points and the greatest deposits. recyclables, such as the recycling bins next to the Market and Praça do Infante».

These steps will allow for daily collection, while the cleaning of the ecological islands is also ensured, a work for which a company was contracted.

"In terms of awareness, this was aimed at non-domestic consumers, in a door-to-door action, carried out by the municipality's environmental inspection service, which aimed to promote the adhesion of merchants and food and beverage establishments to Algarlinha - a free door-to-door collection service for recyclable packaging (paper, cardboard, plastic, metal/ECAL and glass) – and to avoid the excessive concentration of this waste in recycling bins and their surroundings», according to the Câmara de Lagos.

With regard to domestic consumers, the municipality will distribute an information leaflet “recalling the disposal rules and the fines associated with non-compliance, in order to appeal to the civic and environmental awareness of residents and all those who use the public space during this period. ».

In addition to cleaning the streets, the Câmara de Lagos is also determined not to pollute the environment and will use an electric vehicle to carry out the extra daily collection of waste and recyclables.

