Association of Municipalities Terras do Infante opens competition to admit six forest sappers

The Association of Municipalities Terras do Infante, which covers Lagos, Aljezur and Vila do Bispo, opened a tender procedure for six […]

The Association of Municipalities Terras do Infante, which covers Lagos, Aljezur and Vila do Bispo, opened tender procedures for six jobs for Sapadores Florestais.

The contest, published in Diário da República on the 15th of June, is open for 10 working days. As can be read in the notice published in the DR, it is a competition for "constitution of a public employment bond in the form of employment contract in public functions, for an indefinite period, to fill 6 jobs, in the career/category of Operational Assistant (Sapador Florestal)».

The forest sapper is, according to the notice, "a specialized worker with a specific profile and training suitable for carrying out forestry and forest defense activities, namely: a) preventive forestry, in the area of ​​forest fuel management, using techniques manuals, motorcycle manuals, mechanics or controlled fire, among others; b) maintenance and protection of forest stands, within the scope of forest management and the control of harmful biotic agents; c) general forestry; d) maintenance and improvement of forest defense infrastructure and support for forest management; e) sensitization of populations to the rules of conduct in matters of forest protection, namely in the context of the use of fire, cleaning of forests and plant health; f) armed surveillance, first intervention in forest fires, support to aftermath operations and active post-aftermath surveillance, in the scope of civil protection, also being a civil protection agent».

As special requirements, candidates must have a specific training course and a category B driving licence, and people "with and without a previously established public employment relationship" may apply.

Interested parties can get all the information consulting here the Notice (DR, 2nd series - Notice No. 8083/2018 of June 15, 2018), published for this purpose.


