Prehistoric art in Portugal is the subject of an exhibition at the Vila do Bispo Interpretation Center

The photographic exhibition, on prehistoric art in Portugal, “In Nomine Hominis… Pro Memoria Artis”, a Latin expression that in Portuguese wants […]

The photographic exhibition, on prehistoric art in Portugal, “In Nomine Hominis… Pro Memoria Artis”, a Latin expression which in Portuguese means “In the name of Man, in memory of Art”, was inaugurated this Sunday, June 3rd, at the Interpretation Center of Vila do Bispo, where it will be open until the 15th of June.

The exhibition by Dinis Cortes includes several works relating to the Algarve region, «with particular emphasis on the territory of the current municipality of Vila do Bispo, exploring the exceptional local theme “Megalitism and Menhirs of Prehistory”».

The visual proposals «are complemented by an expository narrative with a chronocultural framework», explains Vila do Bispo Chamber.

In addition to the presentation of the exhibition, the session was attended by Manuel Calado, pre- and proto-historian, who gave the lecture “The Stone Snake and the Sex of the Angels: a reading of the iconography of the Algarve menhirs”. Manuel Calado «has dedicated a large part of his career as an archaeologist to the knowledge of Megalithic Culture, in particular the menhirs of Central Alentejo», concludes the municipality.


