Odemira and Serpa come together to talk about strategies for welcoming immigrants

The Municipalities of Odemira and Serpa will have a meeting this Tuesday, May 8th, to debate strategies for welcoming […]

Immigration and Multiculturalism

The municipalities of Odemira and Serpa will have a meeting this Tuesday, May 8th, to debate strategies for welcoming and integrating immigrants. 

The meeting will be attended by João Coelho, deputy secretary of State for Internal Administration.

This meeting will take place from 11:00 am, at the Local Culture Valuation Center, in Odemira. During the morning, the “Odemira Integra – Municipal Plan for the Integration of Immigrants”, created in 2015, and the “Serpa Interculturalities” project, presented in February this year, will be presented and debated.

For the afternoon, the presentation of complementary projects resulting from the execution of the “Odemira Integra – Municipal Plan for the Integration of Immigrants” is reserved as examples of action in the territory, namely the activity and functioning of CLAIM (Local Support Center for the Integration of Migrantes, who are itinerant in Odemira), from the ST.e6g Project (which aims to promote leisure activities for national children and young people and S. Teotónio immigrants), from the Growing Together project (which aims to train immigrants as citizens and local educators) and the Giramundo project (which aims to promote the integration of immigrants through the idea of ​​“world movement within Odemira” and the transformation that Odemira is experiencing alongside the growth of intercultural relations).

The objective is to share experiences and information within the scope of local policies for welcoming and integrating Odemira and Serpa, municipalities that are experiencing a growing demand for the immigrant community.

In Odemira, the majority of the community of immigrant citizens comes from European Union countries, but a considerable percentage is from various nationalities of Asian origin, settling on the coastal strip, where the large agricultural companies are located, like the Sul Informação told in this article. 

