Lagos Maritime Police inspects barnacle catchers in Costa Vicentina

A notice of over-capture and the consequent seizure of about five kilos of barnacles was […]

A news report for excessive capture and the consequent seizure of about five kilos of barnacles was the result of the operation of the local Command of the Maritime Police of Lagos, on the 1st of July, when eight barnacle catchers were inspected.

The recreational catch of barnacles or mussels, among other marine species, «can be carried out by anyone and does not require a license when carried out manually, in which case the use of any fishing gear or utensils is not allowed», explains the National Maritime Authority .

In that case, he adds, the practitioner can "carry a bag or bucket-type device, which serves exclusively to transport the collected specimens".

In underwater fishing, "as capture equipment, a spearfishing weapon, a hand or throwing instrument may be used, whose propulsive force is not due to detonating power resulting from a chemical substance or artificially compressed gas, having as the only projectile allowed a rod or harpoon with one or more points», says the Maritime Authority.

The following utensils can also be used: seafood knife, tug and barred or knurled.

«Without prejudice to the obligation to respect the maximum limit of 10 kilos, in the case of fishing on foot and on board, or 15 kilos, in the case of underwater fishing, the maximum catch of mussels is 3 kilos, the maximum catch of oysters is 5 kilos, the maximum catch of Japanese clam is 5 kilos and the maximum capture of the group of organisms other than these, other than fish or cephalopods, is 2 kilos, the largest specimen not being counted», concludes AMN.

