The world's first fully hand-painted film is shown in Lagos

The film “The Passion of Van Gogh” will be on display at Algarcine de Lagos, from 26th of […]

The film “The Passion of Van Gogh” will be on display at Algarcine de Lagos, from 26 October. This is "the world's first fully hand-painted film".

The film, written and directed by Dorota Kobiela and Hugo Welchman, shows “an investigation into the life and controversial death of Vincent Van Gogh, told through his paintings and those who deprived him of it”.

In order to create the film, 62450 canvases were painted in oil by 125 painters from all over the world and it took seven years to produce it.

The synopsis of the film tells that «Joseph Roulin is the postman that Van Gogh painted and with whom he became friends. Unconvinced by the painter's theory of suicide, he sent his son Armand to deliver the last letter that the artist had addressed to his brother, Theo».

However, Armand «when he discovers that his brother had died shortly after Vincent, begins a series of encounters with the various characters who crossed the artist's life before he died. The more people listen, the more the theory of suicide seems unfounded. Who will he be able to deliver the letter to, when everyone seems to be guilty of the painter's death?”.

